Georgina Arroyo is an artist and educator based in Brooklyn, NY. She was born and raised in Queens, NY and received a BFA at Lesley University College of Art & Design in Cambridge, MA. She has seven years of arts education experience, and 3 years of experience at the managerial level. Her experience as an educator includes work at organizations such as the New York Public Library, Brooklyn Arts Exchange, St. Nicks Alliance and Children’s Museum of the Arts. Georgina has experience managing teams of 20+ teaching artists, and developing programming for museums, afterschools, and corporate teams. She is passionate about building creative, collaborative teams and supporting the professional development of teaching artists.
Notable Accomplishments:
Featured Artist at the 2020 Virtual Night Out for Safety and Liberation
Panelist on Balancing Artistic Practice at Arts Administrators of Color Annual Convening, 2020
Proposed and Co-Programed the first ever Black Culture Festival for Black History Month at Children’s Museum of the Arts, NY
Presenter at “Access and Identity” Museum Association of New York Conference